Planned mainenance work on cPanel hosting server. Accounts will be restored on a new platform 20-21 march...
server control panel
Updated 06th Aug 2016.
This information is actual for the following servers models (Leaseweb datacenters):
"NlE" - servers in Amsterdam, Netherlands;
"DeD" - servers in Frankfurt Am Main, Germany;
"SiN" - servers in Singapore, Republic of Singapore;
"HkG" - servers in Hong Kong, China;
"WdC" - servers in Washington, D.C., USA;
"DaL" - servers in Dallas, Texas, USA;
"SaF" - servers in San Francisco, California, USA;
"AtL" - servers in Atlanta, Georgia, USA;
"ChG" - servers in Chicago, Illinois, USA;
"LoA" - servers in Los Angeles, California, USA;
"NyC" - servers in New York City, USA;
"PhX" - servers in phoenix, Arizona, USA;
"SeA" - servers in Seattle, Washington, USA.
1) Select menu item "My services" in the customer panel andThen click on the icon arrow in a row with product description:
You will see a new page with 3 logical blocks: "information" - billing information (price, signup date, due date, server model; "Server information" - main block; submenu.
2) By defalut the first menu item is "info'. You could see a hardware equipment information on this page.
ATTENTION - information may differs from actual hardware. You can get the most exact data with help of linux\unix system utilities on your server.
3) "Network" menu item used to check a traffic statistics. You will see 2 graphs: a histogramm with traffic summary by days for current month; bandwidth usage graph for last 36-48 hours.
4) Menu item "Reverse dns" used to set reverse DNS for IPs. You will see all available IPs currently attaced to server in the table view: IP-address (bold for main server ip , strikeout for null-routed IP), mask, gateway, input field for domain name and "Update" button to save.
ATTENTION - you are able to save the only one record at a time. You need to fill and update record by record.
DNS change process could take up to 24 hours.
5) Next 3 menu items can critically affect to server health. They are marked with RED backgroud.
CAUTION - Presently there are a lot of changes in the datacenters. What does it mean? All servers are connected to the datacenter's network with 2 uplinks. Second uplink is used for IPMI. A following operation may occur in case of server restart: server will be booted up from the network with datacenter's special utility, IPMI will be configured, hardware information will be obtained. It could take up to 15-20 minutes. If you see that main server ip starts to be pinged well but server not available then please have a little patience. Server will be rebooted again and booted up normally from HDD.
6) Menu item "Reboot". It makes the server reload.
ATTENTION - it's a cold reset! It's not a soft-reboot! Remember that these actions may cause damage to the file system. Reboot will take up to 10-15 minutes. Let us know if server is not booted up after mentioned time.
You will get a javascript notice before executing reboot. This is the only one protection from accident clicking!
7) Menu item "Rescue" is used for server reset and booting it from linux\freebsd live cd. Process steps:
By default server is in "Normal" state, and you can see previous rescue-password.
Select needed rescue image.
Press orange button "Rescue" and confirm this action.
Wait for 10-15 minutes and go to "Rescue" menu again.
In case of server still not booted into rescue mode you will see a status "Reboot to rescue mode" and empty "rescue password".
Server status will be changed to "Normal" after succesfull boot. Also root password to the rescue mode will be changed to a new.
Let us know if the server is not booted after 30 minutes.
ATTENTION - status update and password update don't occur at the same time! Usually password update in next 2 minutes after status update.
8) Menu item "Reinstall" is used for server reinstallation.
Same as previous "Rescue". But by default server is in "Normal" state and root-password has saved from a last known successfull reinstall. You need to select and confirm needed OS, and server state will be changed to "Installing". Server state will be changed to "Normal" again and root-password will be updated after successful install.
Let us know if you need a software RAID or custom partition layout.
ATTENTION - reinstall is performed in automatic mode so all data will be lost! Please don't expect to save own data on second hdd. We can't guarantee data saving!
Windows reinstall process takes at least 3 hours. Centos\Debian\Ubuntu\FreeBSD\esxi reinstall process usually takes up to one hour. Let us know if the server has not been reinstalled in the mentioned timeframe.